
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Selection of Interim Pastor Progresses

The Administration and Personnel Committee continues its assignment by the Session to screen and investigate applications and recommend an Interim Pastor for Outer Banks Presbyterian Church.

After the Session approved the Church Information Form and it was posted with the Church Leadership Connection of the Presbyterian Church USA, the church received 46 applications.

The committee met on May 11 to begin its formal review of the applications. The Rev. Drew Clark, moderator of the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry and Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Goldsboro, met with the committee and facilitated this process. The slate of candidates was reduced to the top 10, who closely matched the church’s requirements for an Interim Pastor, follows traditional Presbyterian theology, has experience serving as an Interim Pastor, and has completed the Interim Pastor training offered by the Presbyterian Church USA.. Executive Presbyter Barbara Campbell Davis is now performing background checks on these 10 applicants.

The process for selecting and appointing an Interim Pastor is prescribed and overseen by the Presbytery of New Hope.

By May 14, after prayerful consideration, the committee will further narrow the slate of potential Interim Pastors to five (5). 

Telephone interviews with these top five (5) candidates will be conducted on May 24, when the Rev. Drew Clark will return to the church to participate in the telephone interviews. Eventually, the committee will select three (3) candidates to visit the church for personal interviews. One (1) Pastor will be chosen and recommended to the Session and the Presbytery Committee on Ministry to become Interim Pastor of Outer Banks Presbyterian Church. The committee hopes to have its work completed and a recommendation submitted by mid-June and an Interim Pastor on-board by mid-August.

The Presbyterian system of governance provides that Interim Pastors be appointed. The function of an Interim Pastor is to provide all the services of a regular Pastor and also lead the church during a time of transition and prepare the church to call a Pastor. While Interims are appointed, regular Pastors are called by the Congregation using a process also prescribed by the Presbytery. Interim Pastors serve between 12 and 24 months, and then they leave and cannot be considered for the Pastor’s position.

In the meantime, the Worship Committee has done a fantastic job of securing Supply Ministers to fill the Pulpit each Sunday through July and is prepared to fill the Pulpit until an Interim Pastor arrives in August.
Members of the Administration and Personnel Committee are Reid Hinson, Gary Martie, Melinda Mogowski, Barbara Nock, Susan Harman Scott, Carol Trotman, and Gary McGee, moderator.
Outer Banks Presbyterian Church
907 S. Croatan Hwy
P.O. Box 2199
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Phone: 252-441-5897 • Fax: 252-480-4640
obpc@earthlink.net • www.obpres.org

Dr. Andrew Martinez - Pastor
Jason K. Evans - Music Director/Organist/Handbells
Dorothy Henderson - Custodian
Nonie Booth - Sanctuary Choir Director
Michele Albright - Nursery Caregiver & Interim Director of Christian Education
Courtney Gutekunst - Church Office Manager