
Friday, December 31, 2010

A Sincere Thank You from The Evangelism Committe


Dear Friends,

We hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!

As the year comes to a close, The Evangelism Committee would like to express our sincere thanks for your support of OBPC’s Faith, Family and Friends focus.

Your dedication to strengthening our faith, loving and supporting our families and reaching out to our friends was evident throughout the year. 

You were particularly generous with the help you gave us in the spring with the picnic and expo and in the fall with the Faith, Family and Friends/Anniversary Celebration Sunday. We hope you will join us again in support of these projects in 2011.

In addition to supporting OBPC’s church wide goals, The Evangelism Committee will work towards growing the size of our church family in 2011. 

Our efforts will not focus on increased numbers; rather, we feel it is important to reach out to others in our community and to invite them to discover the love and peace we find at OBPC. 

We want to share the gifts God has given us, and we want to grow closer to those in our community because we recognize that we are all God’s children.
 You can help us extend God’s love to those in our community. We encourage you to:

Pray that those in our community who are looking for God’s love be drawn to OBPC.

Contact us if you’d like to be a member of our committee or if you have suggestions about how we might "open our doors and hearts" to our friends and neighbors.

Invite your friends and neighbors to join you at worship services or other church events.
Consider everyone you meet a member of your family, God’s family.

We wish you and your family the best of health and happiness in 2011!

The Evangelism Committee
Moderator - J.R. Mathews ( 252-449-2979 or jrmathews1@yahoo.com )
Session Liaison – George Wood
Members - Ellie Grumiaux, Reverend Andrew Martinez, Anthony Policastro

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Heart-felt Thank You from Rev. Andrew Martinez

When the high school band director, Bob, finished conducting the band’s final number at this year’s Christmas musical, he stepped to the far side of the stage while the band members received applause and took a bow.

These talented students, musicians in their own right, of every known personality, height, weight and coloring were the ones who made the beautiful sounds of Christmas music. Yes, Bob the director coached and kept them to the music. Bob kept them faithful to the score. And yet, it was the kids who made the music.

And on that note, I want to give you – the members of our wonderful church - a special gift of appreciation this Christmas season.

You are the ones responsible for the ministry to our members and our community. Sure, I am a minister of the Word and Sacrament, endeavoring to keep us faithful to Gods’s music, but you are the band who makes the music.

The sounds are the ones you make. You are the band; you are the ones on stage. It is your face the audience sees (our community). You are the musicians; I just keep you faithful to God’s score. Whatever happens on stage is because of you.

So thank you. This is my opportunity to move to the side of the stage and let the thanks be directed your way, thank you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If you missed our Christmas Concert on Dec. 7...

Performances were by The Sanctuary Choir, Jubilate Handbell Ringers, and several guest singers and musicians.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Saint Among the Saints

Recommended by Reverend Andy.
On the field he's a Super Bowl champion. Off the field he's New Orleans' champion. SI.com's Tim Layden explains who Drew Brees really is. (Video Courtesy: Horizon Entertainment, CNN)

See the Video: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/video/nfl/2010/11/29/113010.drew_brees_sportsman.SportsIllustrated/index.html#ixzz16xPLRbqv

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Time to Reflect, a Time to be Grateful


By Anthony S. Policastro

As Winter nears, the days shorten and the air gets colder, I begin to think how lucky most of are with all that we have or will have. I also think of those who don't have and it makes me even more grateful of not only the things I have, but also what's most important - friends, family and the love and passions in my life.

While we all get consumed in the trimmings of this holiday season try to take pause and look around at all that you have to be grateful. It could be a warm house with the cozy smells of a turkey feast; the smile and laughter of a child; the love of a cherished person. Then think about all those who don't have what you have and be thankful.

Here are a few quotes you may want to live by this holiday season or for the rest of your life:

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

Melody Beattie
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

William Faulkner
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.

Albert Schweitzer
To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude...

Galatians 6:9
Do not get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time...

Anne Frank
I do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains. Go outside into the fields, nature and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Start and End Your Day with a Psalm

Photo by Anthony S. Policastro
By Reverend Andrew Martinez

Psalms 147
1. This morning I opened up my email as I usually do or (I go to the psusa.org website to read the scriptures of the day (pcusa.org which has an option to email daily lectionary readings).

Read the rest of the Reverend's thoughts on the Thought for the Day page or by clicking here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OBPC Celebrated 31st Anniversary Service and Lunch

If you were unable to attend the church's 31st Anniversary Service and Lunch on Sunday, Sept. 19, you can see photos here and read the article below.

Founded as a church whose mission was to reach out to meet the needs of not only its locals but also those who visited the Outer Banks, OBPC celebrated thirty-one years of serving Our Lord on the Outer Banks on Sunday, September 19.

Functioning as a church devoted to strengthening its faith, loving and supporting its family and reaching out to our friends in need, members celebrated their past and our future.

Invited guests included former pastors and their families, former members who have moved, community groups who use our church as their home base and all our friends and neighbors on the Outer Banks.

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Feature debuts by Reverend Andrew Martinez

Reverend Andrew Martinez
We have a new feature for the site called Thought for the Day by Rev. Andy. These inspirational thoughts will guide you through your day and your week. 

Make Every Effort - Sept. 24, 2010
By Reverend Andrew Martinez

In my prayer time this morning I was reminded of when the term "make every effort" was used by Paul. I then went to the Internet, using the site, http://bible.oremus.org/ and typed in "make every effort."
Read the rest of the story - click here.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Family in Need

Isabela Rainey, 13
By Anthony S. Policastro

UPDATE: - A benefit was held for Isabela yesterday(Sept. 7) at the Mexicali Brewz Cantina on the Beach Road from 2 to closing.There was a pig pickin' and several local bands will performed. Donation was $8 per person and all funds will go to the Rainey family.
You can see photos of the event by clicking on the photo below.
Isabella Rainey


I need your help.

Isabela Rainey, my good friend Gordon Rainey's daughter, suffered a brain aneurysm and is fighting for her life.

She is only 13 years old.

The family needs your help. Isabela has been in a coma since July 31 when she was flown to Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters in Norfolk, VA.

A part of her skull had to be removed to relieve brain swelling and she has undergone brain surgery. She will need therapy afterward to relearn everything all over again, according to Gordon.

"She is trying so hard to live. I am amazed at her strength and determination," said Janet Rainey, Isabella's mother.

Please donate. Any amount would help and all monies go directly to the family for current and future medical bills.

You can donate to the Isabela Rainey Fund online at the Outer Banks Relief Foundation. Be sure to note Isabela Rainey under "Donation in honor of" or you can mail a check to Outer Banks Relief Foundation, Inc., in care of Gateway Bank, P.O. 506, Nags Head, NC 27959. Make sure to put Isabella Rainey Fund on the check.

Any amount would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

OBPC Combines Faith, Family & Friends with Anniversary Celebration

Photo by Anthony S. Policastro
Founded as a church whose mission was to reach out to meet the needs of not only its locals but also those who visited the Outer Banks, OBPC will celebrate thirty-one years of serving Our Lord on the Outer Banks on Sunday, September 19.

Functioning as a church devoted to strengthening its faith, loving and supporting its family and reaching out to our friends in need, we will celebrate our past and our future. 

Plan to join us for a worship service that will emphasize the joy of having an extended family where we all strengthen our faith as brothers and sisters, united in Christ. 

Invited guests will include former pastors and their families, former members who have moved, community groups who use our church as their home base and all our friends and neighbors on the Outer Banks. 

Following the service there will be a luncheon in the Fellowship Hall and a chance to catch up with old friends and to make new ones.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Community Benefit for Randy Spruill and Family

A benefit fundraiser will be held for Randy Spruill and his family on Friday, August 13, at Soundside Park in Harbinger, NC.

Randy is a Kitty Hawk native and Scout Leader here at OBPC who suffered a brain hemorrhage while riding his bike on June 6. He remains in Norfolk General Hospital.

The event will include: 
  • Bake Sale: 10 am to 9 pm; 
  • Yard Sale: 10 am to 4 pm; 
  • Chicken or Fish Dinners: 3 pm to 8 pm. 

For more information or to follow his progress, please visit: www.randyspruill.webs.com. 
For information about the fundraiser, please contact Powells Point Baptist Church (252 491-8599).

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Supper for Six Picnic - Change of Date

We have been hearing horror stories about Saturday traffic, so we decided to change the date of the picnic so you don't get caught in the traffic.

Our first get-together will be at
the Martin's Point Pavilion
Friday, August 20 (NEW DATE)
4:30-8 p.m.

We ask you to bring a side dish or appetizer, your own drinks, plates, cups and cutlery. We are planning to provide the meats, in which case we'll ask you for a couple bucks. A sign-up sheet is in the Gathering Space at church.

If you have any questions, you can contact Karen Lurie or Jeanne Martie (or anyone who has participated in the past). If you cannot attend on August 20 but want to be part of a group, please let us know.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Youth Group raises $1,125 for children with cleft palates


Thank you for your support!

The youth group is proud to announce that we raised $1,125.00 to sponsor children in need of a cleft palate surgery.

The youth challenged the congregation to meet their donation of $250.00 the congregation responded and raised $525.00. A visitor in the church the day the challenge was presented went back to their home church in Bristol, VA and told them what our youth group was doing. Within a week we received a check from Central Presbyterian Church in Bristol for $250.00.

On Sunday, June 13 the youth group was able to present a check of $1,025.00 to Jann Schultz, director of donor relations and niece of members Lee and Pat Yoder. Since the presentation we received another $100.00 bringing us to the new total.

Thank you for your generosity.

Friday, June 4, 2010

New Church Sign

Photo by JR Matthews

A new sign welcoming the various groups that use our building for their meetings and their community programs was hung under the marquee on Friday, June 4th by members of the Evangelism Committee.

Rev. Dr. Andrew P. Martinez, left, and George Wood fastened the new sign on the church bypass marquee.

The sign welcomes the following groups that use the church as a meeting place:

  • Club Scouts Pack 116
  • Boy Scouts Troop 116
  • Angel Food Ministries
  • Alcohol Anonymous
  • The Outer Banks Stamp Club

We hope that the sign provides greater awareness in the community that our church serves as the home for these organizations and that these groups will feel like a welcome and important part of the OBPC family.

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    Sue's Story - The Inspiration Behind Faith, Family and Friends

    Sue, the mother of two teenage sons, was diagnosed with MS in 2001. She had problems emotionally and physically.

    She sought financial help from Social Security but did not qualify for Assistance. She struggled along until 2004 when she applied again for aid and was granted an interview in 2008 – four years later. When asked what she wanted from Social Security she said, “Nothing – just listen to my story.”

    She then told them about her physical, emotional and financial difficulties due to the MS – how her family had intervened when she took too many prescription drugs.

    The Social Security representative asked how she had overcome the MS. Sue replied, “You don’t overcome MS – you learn to live with it and I can sum it up with three words – Faith, Family and Friends.”

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    A Word from Our Pastor

    Dr. Andrew Martinez and daughters, Joy Claire and Lauren
    By Dr. Andrew Martinez

    Our beloved Jack Dempsey's favorite poem was The Children's Hour, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It is that dear children's poem where we get that expression, 'patter of little feet.' I include it because the presence of children is moving, warming and precious.

    The poem reminded me of what I heard John Maycomber tell me over the phone shortly before he died. John's prayer and hope was that we would continue the Master's calling of chidlren into Christ's sheepfold.

    The poem reminded me of what I have heard from church specialists over many years now - a healthy church enfolds the lambs (as well as tends the grown sheep. It's never either one or the other. Never.)

    I believe every church is like a ship...when we chart our course and leave the bank, God will provide the wind for our sails. I believe that as we carefully pull together we can be a church on the OBX that meets the needs of all ages.

    I feel we are in a tremedous position. We have you. We have your prayers. We have your indomitable spirit, your friendlienss and your support. We can enjoy the patter of little feet and enjoy all the sacrifices made to welcome them among us. Service can inspire. Outreach has it's own reward.

    I hope you will pray for the patter of little feet at OBX Presbyterian. Our master had some people to train once. "Then little children were being brought to him in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.' And he laid his hands on them and went on his way." (Matthew 19:13-15)
    Outer Banks Presbyterian Church
    907 S. Croatan Hwy
    P.O. Box 2199
    Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
    Phone: 252-441-5897 • Fax: 252-480-4640
    obpc@earthlink.net • www.obpres.org

    Dr. Andrew Martinez - Pastor
    Jason K. Evans - Music Director/Organist/Handbells
    Dorothy Henderson - Custodian
    Nonie Booth - Sanctuary Choir Director
    Michele Albright - Nursery Caregiver & Interim Director of Christian Education
    Courtney Gutekunst - Church Office Manager